Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Day 5

No sore muscles or pain today! And I know that big changes don't happen over night, but I can report without shed of doubt that I feel charged with a kind and quantity of energy I hadn't experienced in years. I'm also quite certain that some fat was melted off over the past five days. Nothing that should be noticeable in the upcoming week-2 photo, but enough to know that big and rewarding changes are ahead. One interesting thing is that although diet instructions for week one state that we should eat what we eat, except half of what we normally eat, I am finding myself eating healthier foods and not just less food.


  1. Juan,
    This was such a great post to read!!! Everything seems to be on track for you... keep it up :)

  2. Hello Juan; I love your posts. Very thoughtful and thought-provoking. Sounds like you are doing great. Way to go!

  3. Hi Juan,
    I know what you mean about the type of food you're eating this week. The idea of half a pizza or burger didn't even enter my mind. Sounds like you're enjoying yourself!

  4. Well said and I feel the same way.
