Friday, March 4, 2011

Days 47-49

I'll say these past three days were PPCPDs (perfect PCP days), as Patrick would put it.
There's some pain in my right pectoral, so it's good that yesterday the focus was on the arms and today is just the rope jumping. By the way, I'm doing better with the timed jumping (because I'm also counting), therefore not loosing my concentration. 8 2-minutes sets are about 1,850 jumps! Kung Fu abs were really tough because my bar is anchored to a very narrow door frame. Not sure I did those right. Yesterday, upon the news of now being time for indulgence 2, I realised I'm quite happy with my diet as it is. So, again, instead of thinking of something like a chocolate cake, I think I'll opt for dinner out with my wife to a nice restaurant. I know lunch would be best, but this is something we haven't done since our son was born (13 months ago). My weight is hovering around 69-70 kilos, but I'm starting to actually feel dense and heavy muscle-wise, so I'm looking forward to the remainig PCP days to consolidate results. Sorry I didn't put up the weekly photo. The one I took was accidentally deleted when transferring from the flash card to the computer. 60-seconds planks are exponentially harder, don't you think? Those 10 seconds increments are a torture technique. I must confess I'm not doing the 8-minutes abs. I just hate the music and find the guy annoying. The real reason, though, is that I feel I'm having enough with the daily PCP quota. I know I could be missing an opportunity to have better-looking muscles, but the truth is I end up very tired and worn out after the workouts, so maybe I'll consider doing those after PCP is over. I'll be happy to know if those of you who are doing these are seeing enhanced results that could incline me to reconsider. Wish all of you a happy weekend!


  1. Juan, sounds like you are acing this. Good for you. I will say that 8MA is proving to be worthwhile in terms of core ab power and obliques. I do it at the end of the day and the time zips by. Good luck.

  2. I'm finding the 8 min abs to be worthwhile....I'm not saying that I see outward results with it yet, but the whole routine is much stronger now for me then the first day.

  3. 8MA is completely optional and only for aesthetic purposes. You're doing good man.

  4. I did 60 second planks last night after midnight. After the third set, I had to ask my wife to go close the door to our room, because I knew my grunting or yelling in the last few seconds of that fourth set would surely wake the kids if she didn't. I would have been right. But I really enjoy the sore ab feeling afterwards, actually, and even this morning.
