Thursday, March 10, 2011

Day 55: indulgence 2

I looked up the word "indulgence" in wikipeadia only to conrfirm I did indeed fell prey of a faith-related trap. Wanna a know what wikipedia says? "Indulgence: In Catholic theology, an indulgence is the full or partial remission of temporal punishment due to sins which have already been forgiven."

I had pizza margherita (left one slice out of 8 on the plate) and a glass of white wine. Half way through savouring the mozarella, tomato and basil blend melt softly in my mouth, I was attacked by the image of a chopped apple, two egg whites and a glass of milk. Suddenly the pizza started to taste bleak. My indulgence, the satiation of my long desire for pizza, became a punishment. I felt like an idiot, not sure if my inability to enjoy a perfectly delicious pizza was worse than deliberately straying off the path just to see what happens. Like I didn't know already! #"!%$#"&(%)(/=/(&()&%/&!

Of course, there's no noticeable damage done to my body on the outside. But yesterday I walked 6 kilometers on top of the rope jumping and the workout, not because I wanted to consciously compensate or because I thought I deserved extra self-inflicted punishment, but simply because my body asked for it. It's been raining non-stop the past two days, but still I opted to walk to work and back home.

On PCP-related matters, I'm thrilled to finally starting to master the V-seats.


  1. That pizza looks so DELICIOUS I can't stand it! :)

  2. Peace re: the V's: good for you! Not easy. That pie looks mighty fine...

  3. LOL. Just goes to show how much pleasure is in the mind, not the taste buds.
